
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Oviedo - San Miguel de Lillo and Santa María del Naranco

Up Mt. Naranco near Oviedo we went one morning, unfortunately a rather misty overcast one, so photos of the view are not great, but there are two fabulous old churches, both UNESCO World Heritage sites, well worth the ascent.

The first we saw was San Miguel de Lillo, consecrated in 848 AD. Originally it was a three-aisle basilica, but part of it collapsed in the 12th or 13th century, and what remains is the western part only. Still, it retains some pretty details.

A hundred meters away is Santa María del Naranco, built as a royal palace/hunting lodge in 848 AD by Ramiro I of Asturias and converted into a church in the 13th century.


The detailing is exquisite, especially for something of this age

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